GROWING CONNECTIONS, CHANGING LIVES Insights and Learning From Social Farming Across Ireland
A National Conference on Social Farming took place in the Emmaus Centre in Swords Co. Dublin last Friday, the 23rd of March. 140 attendees from all over Ireland learnt more about the development of s
Network Meetings 1 & 2
These meetings will take place in 2 locations – Enniskillen and Armagh (click on link below for more details).
- Member of SoFAB team on progress to date and next steps.
- Seamus Logan, AD of Mental Health, Social and Community Care, PMSI, HSCB; "Building connec-tions and providing supports in everyday community settings".
- Gerry Browne, Social Farmer: "Starting and Growing a Social Farm within a Community"
Who should attend:
People availing of support services and their families and advocates. People who may be seeking or wish to explore an opportunity of engaging in farming life with a farm family.
Organisations who commission contract or deliver services and who have a passion for leading opportunities for real inclusion and participation within communities.
Farm Families: As key pilot partners in responding to the ‘rural life’ choices of people and offer-ing new opportunities to people availing of supports through health and social care services
Feed Back: We are seeking contributions on the topics with a particular focus on the criteria for becoming a pilot farm and on working collaboratively with other participants to the project. The in-formation and insights generated at these events will inform the ‘planning for piloting’ of the project.
Free events but BOOKING ESSENTIAL - email helen@ldco.ie
LINK - Preparing to pilot Invite