Under The Spotlight
GROWING CONNECTIONS, CHANGING LIVES Insights and Learning From Social Farming Across Ireland
A National Conference on Social Farming took place in the Emmaus Centre in Swords Co. Dublin last Friday, the 23rd of March. 140 attendees from all over Ireland learnt more about the development of s
European Economic & Social Committee - Social farming: green care and social and health policies (Dec 2012)
Bamford Review on Promoting Social Inclusiion (2007)
Care Farming in Scotland - understanding health and social care commissioning and procurement (2011)
An Overview of Social Farming in Ireland (2007)
Health, wellbeing and engagement with landscape: a literature review (Scottish Agricultural College 2011).
Transforming Your Care - a Review of Health and Social Care in NI (Dec 2011)
Post 19 Lobby Group (Northern Ireland) - The Impact of Transition on Family Life